June 19, 2018 Spring has given way to summer early at Living History Farms. While April was cold, May was hot, filling our spring planting season with 90 degree days. Despite the early heat, we…
February 22, 2018 “Life is made up of small pleasures. Happiness is made up of those tiny successes. The big ones come too infrequently. And if you don’t collect all these tiny successes, the big…
December 2, 2015 We see them everywhere in December, twinkling with lights and full of colorful ornaments, but have you ever stopped to think about how old the tradition of the Christmas tree really is,…
September 2, 2014 It’s been a busy summer here on the farm. Mild weather has meant many visitors from nearby and faraway places. It’s meant taking a break from posting things on the blog, but…
June 11, 2014 This post is a little late in coming to you, but what can I say? We’ve been busy since opening in May! Between all the school tours and farm work to be…
When planning a menu for dinner, there are several choices to be made. Generally speaking, a menu consists of a protein, a starch of some sort, and at least one vegetable. Menu planning in 1900…
It is no secret that we have spent a lot of time during this Iowa winter digging out from the snow. Many are anxiously awaiting Spring, which is still 6 weeks away. While it is…
As spring has finally come into full swing here on the 1900 farm, the cherry, pear, and apple blossoms in the orchard and fresh shoots of clover emerging in the hayfields have reminded me of…
April 17, 2013 Welcome back! I apologize for being quiet this winter, it has been very busy here at the 1900 Farm. We have new staff and new animals and are ready to dive into…
October 9, 2012 This season our apple trees at the 1900 farm did not produce much useable fruit. It’s hard to pinpoint why, but the strange growing season this year surely played a part. Nevertheless,…