CURRENT HOURS: Programs by reservation only from November through April


Cash Donation   |   Donate Items  |   Other Ways to Support Living History Farms

In 1970, Dr. William Murray had a vision for a 500-acre tract of land located just outside Des Moines: create a living history museum to preserve and teach generations to come about America’s agricultural heritage. Today, Living History Farms is an interactive outdoor history museum, which educates and connects all peoples to the many stories of Midwestern rural heritage.

But we can’t do it alone. Our ability to fulfill our mission depends on support from people like you.


It’s Tax Deductible!

Living History Farms is a nonprofit corporation, which is classified by the IRS as exempt under the IRS Section 501(c)(3). Therefore, donations from individuals and corporations, as well as grants from private foundations, qualify for maximum tax benefits allowable by the IRS. Living History Farms will send you a letter acknowledging your donation. Use this letter as supporting documentation for your IRS deduction, since the ‘fair market value’ of your donation may be tax deductible. For tax or legal advice, please consult your tax advisor.


Cash Donation

Cash gifts provide general operating support to all areas of the museum. These gifts make it possible for Living History Farms to sustain the quality of our programs and services. Below are three options for making a cash donation to the Farms today!

Please contact or call (515)278-5286 ext. 120 if you have any questions.


Make a donation online now

By Mail

Stacie Hooker
Living History Farms
2600 111th Street
Urbandale, IA 50322

Please download this form and send it, along with your check made out to Living History Farms.

By Phone

Please Call Stacie Hooker
515-278-5286 ext. 120

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