CURRENT HOURS: Programs by reservation only from November through April


alice peeking behind curtain

‘Alice in Wonderland’

Wednesdays at 9:30 a.m.

Wednesday mornings in April, you and your preschooler can enjoy a storytime program that just gets “curiouser and curiouser.” For ages 3­–5 accompanied by an adult.



  • Wednesdays, 9:30-11 a.m.
  • Please arrive 5 minutes early so program may begin on time
  • Location: Flynn Mansion (meet at Visitor Center)

Registration Information

  • Per person: $17 ($15.30 for members)
  • Child(ren) must be accompanied by a paying adult
  • Each ticket is for one session




April 3Alice Meets the White Rabbit
April 10Alice Meets Some Animals
April 17Alice Meets the March Hare & the Mad Hatter
April 24Alice Meets the Queen of Hearts

Program Descriptions

white rabbit

Alice Meets the White Rabbit • April 3

Don’t be late to learn how Alice meets the White Rabbit and follows him to Wonderland! Hear the beginning of Alice’s tale, then explore our Flynn Mansion and make a craft.

cheshire catAlice Meets Some Animals • April 10

This movement-based program continues the story of Alice after she follows the White Rabbit down the hole. Adults and kids alike will get up and move!

mad hatterAlice Meets the March Hare & the Mad Hatter • April 17

Alice finds the March Hare and the Mad Hatter having a tea party and celebrating Unbirthdays. Share her amazement as she tries to find her way out of Wonderland.

alice with flamingoAlice Meets the Queen of Hearts • April 24

Alice has met so many characters in Wonderland, but none like the Queen of Hearts! See how she deals with the not-so-nice Queen, and play children’s games popular in Victorian times.

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