With your TRI membership to Blank Park Zoo, Living History Farms, and Science Center of Iowa, you will receive free general admission to each attraction for one year; free or reduced general admission to more than 600 other science centers, zoos, aquariums, and museums; and discounts on camps and programs. Plus you can feel good about supporting the mission of these three great organizations!
Choose the membership that works for you! Membership levels and Combo/TRI options are listed below.
BPZ: Blank Park Zoo | LHF: Living History Farms | SCI: Science Center of Iowa | TRI: LHF, BPZ & SCI
Includes you + 1 guest of any age
TRI $237 | BPZ/LHF $158 | BPZ/SCI $158 | LHF/SCI $158
Includes 2 adults + children/grandchildren ages 18 and under
TRI $348 | BPZ/LHF $228 | BPZ/SCI $234 | LHF/SCI $234
Includes 2 adults + children/grandchildren ages 18 and under + 2 guests of any age
TRI $397 | BPZ/LHF $268 | BPZ/SCI $284 | LHF/SCI $284
Membership comes with a variety of benefits to each of the organizations you belong to!
| |  | | BLANK PARK ZOO- Unlimited, free general admission to Blank Park Zoo
- Free or reduced admission to 170 zoos and aquariums, such as Henry Doorly Zoo in Omaha and Kansas City Zoo
- Discounted admission to events such as Zoo Brew and Wild Lights
- Discounts on behind-the-scenes tours, camps, birthday parties, facility rentals, gift shop, and eateries
 | |  | | LIVING HISTORY FARMS- Unlimited, free general season admission to Living History Farms
- Free or reduced admission to more than 200 museums nationwide, including several outdoor history museums
- Free or discounted admission to special events like Independence Day, Applefest, and Family Halloween
- Early and discounted registration for Day Camps, Historic Dinners, and Historic Skills Classes
- Discounts at MarketPlace Museum Store and on facility rentals
 | |  | | SCIENCE CENTER OF IOWA- Unlimited, free general admission to the Science Center of Iowa
- Free or reduced admission to more than 300 science centers nationwide
- Access to monthly members-only family science workshops
- Early and discounted registration for Summer and Winter Camps
- Discounts on birthday parties, in the A-ha! Store, and in the Food Chain Café