February 22, 2018 “Life is made up of small pleasures. Happiness is made up of those tiny successes. The big ones come too infrequently. And if you don’t collect all these tiny successes, the big…
Embroidered Tidies – keeping the 19th century home clean and pretty!
Posted on February 28, 2017
February 28, 2017 All winter, the 1875 Tangen House has been open to dinner guests. In March, the Flynn Mansion will also be hosting guests for a special 19th century meal. These homes showcase Victorian…
November 16, 2015 Now that the inevitable chill of winter is beginning to set in, it’s time to start getting out the fleece petticoats, wool bonnets, and knit hats, gloves, and shawls. Our museum guides…
August 12, 2013 Americans often dread “Blue Monday,” the start of weekday car commutes, irritating bosses, and long hours in front of a computer. Housewives in 1900 would also have dreaded “Blue Monday,” but for…
July 18, 2013 This week’s recipe sounded very appealing when the wood-burning cookstove was heating up the house this morning! Courtesy of Mrs. Curtis’s Cookbook, this salad would have been a great way to utilize…
July 16, 2013 This week’s Spotted item isn’t something obscure; in fact, we’ve been using it quite frequently as of late here at the 1900 Farm! This cherry pitter is one of two varieties in…
July 3, 2013 I’m sure many of you are looking forward to celebrating the Fourth of July tomorrow with your friends and family, especially all the delicious food that’s sure to be on the table!…
June 4, 2013 Recently we noticed that the green walls of the back kitchen of the 1900 house had started to tint black due to the smoke and soot of the wood burning stove. As…
August 13, 2012 This year’s theme on the Farms is “For the Fun of It!” and we have had a great time learning and playing all kinds of new games. Another hobby that many people…
June 20, 2012 We are a little ways out from the juicy red tomatoes, striped green cucumbers, bright white onions, or sunny orange pumpkins, but we can still celebrate a bit of early color in…