CURRENT HOURS: Programs by reservation only from November through April

Exploration Programs

Exploration programs are designed to give students a unique, in-depth learning experience about the history of farming and rural life in Iowa. Programs require three adults (teacher plus two additional adults). One adult per program is admitted free of charge.

  • Programs run Tuesday-Friday, March 26-April 25.
  • Morning programs start at 9am.  Afternoon programs start at 1pm. Custom times maybe available.
  • Reservations must be made at least three weeks in advance and are subject to availability.
  • Program length does not include lunch.

How to request:

To request your Exploration program, you will need to submit an Exploration Program Request Form for each group/program you are requesting. (Two groups on one day each need their own form.)

A museum representative will contact you to confirm details of your visit and collect payment.  Payment must be made in order to reserve your date and time slot.

boy doing farm chores

Family on the Farm

Explore the choices farm families had to make by participating in activities on the farm. What did family members have to do? How did their choices change their lives? The program will involve farm chores, household chores, and cooking.

Grades: 2-3
Fees: $300 + $15/person over 20 people
Number of participants: Maximum 30
Program length: 3 hours


farmer and kids load corn into a corn shellerHistoric Food Production

Explore where food comes from. How did farmers of the past raise crops and livestock? How were these crops and livestock used? Students will work in the fields, barnyard, house, and outbuildings to learn how food was produced, prepared, and preserved.

Grades: 4-6
Fees: $300 + $15/person over 20 people
Number of participants: Maximum 30
Program length: 3 hours


visitors compete in spelling beeSchool in 1876

What was school like in 1876? Students participate in lessons like reading from McGuffey’s Reader, doing math problems on slates, and competing in spelling bees.

Grades: 3-12; can be adapted for homeschool families
Fees: $250 + $12.50/person over 20 people
Number of participants: Maximum 30
Program length: 2 hours


interpreter and visitor sweepingKids’ Lives in an 1876 Town

What was it like for a child to grow up in a small Iowa town in 1876? Your students will experience daily chores and games in the Tangen Home. They’ll also experience a few lessons in the one-room schoolhouse and do chores typical of children and young adults at one of the local shops in the town of Walnut Hill.

Grades: 3-6
Fees: $300 + $15/person over 20 people
Number of participants: Maximum 30
Program length: 3 hours


interpreter and visitor use printing pressMade in 1876

Tradespeople in Walnut Hill provided goods, services, supplies, and products for townspeople and surrounding farm families. Work alongside these tradespeople as they produce items. Compare these to the same items made in factories, and learn about the competition with local tradespeople.

Grades: 3-6
Fees: $300 + $15/person over 20 people
Number of students: Maximum 30
Program length: 3 hours


girl doing chores at farm


Checklist for your visit
Meeting Social Studies Standards
Funding opportunities


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