CURRENT HOURS: Programs by reservation only from November through April

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‘It Takes an Iowan’

Feeding the world is no small task! March 30–October 30 • Red Barn Gallery Included with General Admission With the global population predicted to hit 9 billion by the year 2050, feeding the world requires...

‘Going West’

What westbound settlers took with them March 30–July 31 • Red Barn Gallery Included with General Admission What prompted people to move west—to brave long trips in covered wagons, boats, and railcars? Some reasons were...

‘What We Wear’

A look at our period clothing July 17–October 30 • Red Barn Gallery Included with General Admission "Period clothing" is the term for reproduction clothing and accessories that museum staff wear. Period clothing is distinct...

Election Day

It's time to elect a mayor of Walnut Hill! Saturday, July 20 • 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Learn how elections were held in 1876—including who could and couldn’t vote, and what issues were important to people...

‘Cabin Fever’

See one of the most enduring quilt patterns in the U.S. July 30–October 30 • MarketPlace Museum Store Gallery Included with General Admission The Log Cabin style, a square framed by rectangular “logs,” was probably...

‘The Pope’s Visit to Iowa’ Premiere

Be the first to see this account of a momentous day in Iowa History! Monday, September 30 Tours of Church of the Land: 5–6 p.m. Documentary screening: 6 p.m. Panel discussion: 7 p.m. Free with...

Medicine Shows

The cure for anything that ails you! Saturday, October 19 • 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. • Behind Flynn Mansion Included with General Admission The Walnut Hill Drama Society presents Professor Savage’s Traveling Medicine Show....

‘Roadshow’ Sneak Peek

'Behind the Scenes at Antiques Roadshow Iowa' Free, but reservations are required February 8 • 2 p.m. Iowa PBS • 6450 Corporate Dr., Johnston, IA Iowa PBS is celebrating Antiques Roadshow's visit to Living History...

Professional Development for Teachers

Westward Expansion: An Upper Plains Perspective One-day seminar Saturday, April 5 • 8:30 a.m.–2:15 p.m. Free, but registration is required Lunch will be provided America’s vision of westward expansion is a prominent feature of the...

Family Easter

It's Easter in Walnut Hill! Egg hunts and so much more ... Saturday, April 19 • 9 a.m.-noon Advance admission: $11 for ages 2+ ($10 for members), under 2 free Admission at the door: $12...

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