CURRENT HOURS: Programs by reservation only from November through April

Walnut Hill Society

Since the creation of our endowment in 2008, bequests and legacies of all sizes have been pooled to provide vital sustaining support for Living History Farms. Together, these donors are helping to assure that our museum is here for generations to come. Anyone who has made a gift to our Endowment, or let us know that Living History Farms is included in their estate plans is part of our legacy society, the Walnut Hill Society. These important supporters are acknowledged each year in our annual report (with anonymity honored, of course, for those who prefer this.)

You Can Start Today

  • Make sure you have an up-to-date will (or living trust) that reflects your charitable objectives.
  • Contact Living History Farms to discuss your charitable wishes (Stacie Hooker at or 515-278-5286 ext. 158).
  • Contact your financial advisor (a financial planner, lawyer or accountant) and ask for help in establishing a charitable gift.

Ways you can join the Walnut Hill Society

  • Make a gift to our Endow Iowa Fund. Endow Iowa tax credits allow you to receive a 25 percent Iowa tax credit in addition to normal federal charitable income tax deductions. Make your gift to our qualifying Endow Iowa Fund at the Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines now!
  • Think beyond cash—you can make an endowment gift by donating stock, real estate and other assets to Living History Farms—either today or in your estate.
  • Let us know that Living History Farms is included in your will or trust.
  • Let us know that we are a beneficiary of your life insurance, pension plan or IRA.

For more information please fill out this secure online form. For questions, please contact Community Engagement Director Stacie Hooker at or 515-278-5286 ext. 158.

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