CURRENT HOURS: Programs by reservation only from November through April

Kindergarten Camps

For campers entering kindergarten in fall 2025

bee on flower

Busy Bees

Half-day: AM (9am-noon) or PM (1-4pm)

Choose either AM or PM; activities are the same.

Why are bees so busy? Explore the world of pollinators through hands-on activities, stories, and visits to the many gardens around the Farms, including the Bayer Pollinator Garden. Answer these questions: Are bees the only pollinators? Why are pollinators important to farmers? To us? How do good insects help gardens grow the food we eat?

ThemeActivity Highlights
MondayFlowers & GardensBook: “In a Garden,” watercolor garden art, ID parts of a plant
TuesdayBeesBook: “The Very Greedy Bee,” craft a bee, visit gardens in 1876 town of Walnut Hill, shop in Museum Store
WednesdayButterfliesBook: “Amazing Life Cycle of Butterflies,” visit 1850 Pioneer Farm, creek play
ThursdayAnimal PollinatorsBook: “Flowers Are Calling,” pollinator scavenger hunt, people as pollinators activity
FridayProducts of PollinationBook: “Before We Eat,” bake cornbread muffins, visit 1900 Farm

Activities subject to change. Short weeks will vary but will include creek play. On creek day your camper will get wet and muddy. Bring a towel or plastic bag for the car.

man carrying hayFarm Life

Half-day: AM (9am-noon) or PM (1-4pm)

Choose either AM or PM; activities are the same.

Where does our food come from? Before we can buy it at the store, it is grown on the farm! Learn the basics of farm family routines by pitching in with chores like taking care of chickens and making ice cream. Each day will start with a story, followed by visits to our historic sites and crafts made from recycled materials.

ThemeActivity Highlights
MondayFarm AnimalsBook: “Mrs. Wishy Washy’s Farm,” visit 1900 farm, do chicken chores
TuesdaySchool DaysBook: “My Crayons Talk,” visit Schoolhouse and General Store, shop in Museum Store
WednesdayFarm LifeVisit 1700 Ioway Farm, visit 1850 Pioneer Farm, creek play
ThursdayCookingBook: “Counting Cows,” bake muffins and make ice cream
FridayPlants & CropsBook: “How Plants Grow,” plant seeds, visit 1876 town of Walnut Hill

Activities subject to change. Short weeks will vary but will include creek play. On creek day your camper will get wet and muddy. Bring a towel or plastic bag for the car.

Wait list

  • If a camp session is full, you may fill out this form to be placed on a wait list.
  • Include the program and date that you are interested in attending.

Group Requests

When we have multiple camps of the same grade level, we cannot guarantee your child will be placed with friends. However, we will make every effort to accommodate up to two requests. Please keep the following in mind:

  • Campers must be registered for the same camp, in the same week, and be in the same grade.
  • Camp is about making friends. When large groups of friends are together, other campers can feel left out. We will split requests larger than 3 friends.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.